  1.  65
    Introduction to symposium on food sovereignty: expanding the analysis and application. [REVIEW]Molly D. Anderson & Anne C. Bellows - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (2):177-184.
  2.  48
    Local autonomy and sustainable development: Testing import substitution in more localized food systems. [REVIEW]Anne C. Bellows & Michael W. Hamm - 2001 - Agriculture and Human Values 18 (3):271-284.
    Community initiatives to create more localized food systems ofteninclude the strategy of import substitution, i.e., increasing local foodproduction for local consumption. The purpose of this policy iseffectively to supplant some level of imported food into the region. Weargue that such action can carry social and environmental risks as wellas benefits and we have developed research parameters to measure theimpact of such strategies. Harriet Friedmann's seminal work (1991) onthe employment of import substitution by transnational corporationsprovides a framework to identify possible advantages (...)
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  3.  64
    Exposing violences: Using women's human rights theory to reconceptualize food rights. [REVIEW]Anne C. Bellows - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (3):249-279.
    Exposing food violences – hunger,malnutrition, and poisoning from environmentalmismanagement – requires policy action thatconfronts the structured invisibility of theseviolences. Along with the hidden deprivation offood is the physical and political isolation ofcritical knowledge on food violences and needs,and for policy strategies to address them. Iargue that efforts dedicated on behalf of ahuman right to food can benefit from thetheoretical analysis and activist work of theinternational Women's Rights are Human Rights(WRHR) movement. WRHR focuses on women andgirls; the food rights movement operates (...)
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